Why we're here
Spend any time talking to merchants, particularly small- and medium-sized businesses, and it won’t take long before you hear about the high fees levied to process card payments. Why are these fees so high? Why do they only ever seem to go in one direction (up)? And, why are the world’s largest merchants able to extract sweetheart deals from payment networks while everyone else has to pay full freight?
We started Tandym to disrupt the status quo in payments. In the old model, merchants spend 3% or more to process payments with the bulk of that fee going to Big Banks to fund credit card loyalty programs. With Tandym, merchants save 80% on payment processing and use the savings to fund valuable rewards for their customers. These rewards help merchants drive deeper loyalty and future purchases with their best customers. We’re able to do this by reimagining how payment rails can work.
At Tandym, we’re helping merchants succeed by creating the most rewarding way for customers to pay and for merchants to get paid.

A values-driven team
While Tandym is based primarily in Chicago, we're a distributed workforce of values-driven fintech veterans. Our team succeeds by obsessively focusing on our three core values of care ❤️, transparency 💎, and speed 🚀.